Shipping & Returns


Start Return Online

Once you decide to return an item, make sure the item can be returned by reviewing our return policy.

Start a return

Return labels for online orders

When you start a return, you'll receive an email with your return label. You can print your label directly from the email or from your Purchase History.

To print your label from your Purchase History:

  1. Select Account.
  2. Select Purchase History.
  3. Locate the order with the item you want to return.
  4. Select Order Details.
  5. Select Start a Return.
  6. Place a checkmark next to the item(s) you wish to return.
  7. Select Continue.
  8. Select the reason you'd like to return; select Next.
  9. Select if you would like a refund or a replacement of the item; select Next.
  10. Add comments (optional).
  11. Select Save.
    • Repeat steps 6 through 9 if you're returning more than one item.
  12. Select Continue.
  13. Select the method you'd like to use for return. select Continue.
  14. Review your return. If everything is correct, select Submit.

Return methods

There are four methods to return items. You’ll see the options available for an item when you start your return:

No repackaging required by customer:

  • Return at Walmart store: For most items, print the barcode displayed on the screen or take your return email with you to return your item to the store.

Repackaging required by customer:

  • Schedule for pickup: Have the item picked up from where it was delivered for return.
  • Return by mail: Print the return label displayed on the screen, attach it to your package, and drop your return off at USPS or FedEx.
  • Drop off at FedEx location: Print the return label displayed on the screen, attach it to your package, and drop your return off at FedEx.

If your item is oversized or you can't take it to your local carrier, select the Contact us button.

Want to request a return? Request your return here